This is one of a series of eight life lessons I have learned in my Travels with Betty. What your RV can teach you about life, lesson #2
As part of each blog, I share my experience and then the lesson I learned as a result. It seems there is always something to learn!
Every hose springs a leak at some time
A visit to a sani-station was new to me with the arrival of my camper van. I love, love, love the toilet and having water available from inside taps. I had not really thought out that I would be the one who would have to empty the same tanks I was filling. Over time, I got better at this task. I learned to line up the van closer to the tank opening – the first time. A new bucket became a very good friend for a final rinse of water to ensure the lines were as clear as possible. I could manipulate the vacuum hose-like hose back into the small spot where it waited to be used again even got easier.

Then, on a hot day, leaving a campground where the stay had been wonderful, I pulled up to confidently complete the black water and grey water dumping. Hmmm, something not quite right. The usual flow of material was not happening so I persisted, adding more pressure.
Suddenly, the soft and thin vinyl hose could not take the pressure anymore and there was a hot mess shooting out at high pressure. Into the camper van I jumped, grabbing towels to wrap the injured hose. I managed to finish a good watering of the hot asphalt before the next campers arrived to do what they needed to do.
Lessons learned: A RV service shop will clean, repair and replace pretty much anything. If you are the junior RV tech – you always get assigned clean up.