When Betty and I are not on the road

Ever since Betty and I found each other, I have done my best to be on the road as much of the time as possible between May and September. When I was working full-time, I would add a vacation day … Continued

Art of Seasonal Camping – Episode 2

Art of Seasonal Camping - RV City Blog

It’s All In The Experience When I began to blog about seasonal camping, I thought long and hard about what I would have wanted to know before getting into it.  What it came down to is this… it’s really about … Continued

Art of Seasonal Camping – Episode 1

Art of Seasonal Camping - RV City Blog

Staying Put: The Art of Seasonal Camping Making the decision… Should we or should we not choose seasonal camping?   It is definitely not easy to make a decision like this. It’s so much easier to decide what to have … Continued

Art of Seasonal Camping… Coming Soon!

Art of Seasonal Camping - RV City Blog

We are excited to introduce a new series of articles that will be all about the Art of Seasonal Camping.   Staying in one place during the summer season is great for those that like to enjoy one place during the … Continued

RV Lingo – Part 2

Part 2 – Learning more RVing lingo… Types of Campers Full-timers: People who live out of their RV year round. Newbies: People new to the RV world. Traveller burnout/fatigue: Newbies are most susceptible this condition. There is lack of motivation, … Continued

Father’s Day 2020

Making Father’s Day 2020 memorable

Making Father’s Day 2020 memorable Now that Alberta’s provincial campgrounds are open, Father’s Day plans can again include a celebration in your favorite campsite. With a bit of planning, your favorite Dad will feel special all day.       … Continued

RV Lingo – Part 1


Every great hobby and past time has its own words and phrases. Over time, as you become more familiar and passionate about what you are doing, suddenly, you too are using the lingo. RVing, too, has its own kind of … Continued

Creativity in Quarantine


A new weekend tradition in times of social distancing? Ahhh, looking out the window of my office at streets and homes again covered in snow, I long for the warmer weather that surely must be ahead! The current world situation … Continued

Calendar of Memories


Travels with Betty – Let your travel memories live on Paper calendars are something I use. I find these documents visually remind me of appointments and commitments. I can see at a glance what my week ahead looks like. Flipping … Continued