The Needs of an RV Entrepreneur

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guy-2618928_1920We have many romantic notions of what it’s like to be on the road – freedom, beautiful views, and so much peace and quiet.

But if you are an entrepreneur, or someone whose livelihood relies on your ability to connect with the outside world, life in an RV may have its challenges.

Luckily, there are ways to help combine your entrepreneur life with your life on the road.


  1. You need to be able to connect when and if you need to. Whether it’s payroll or problem with your website; a Skype meeting with a client or important banking – getting online is a priority. However, being on the open road doesn’t always make this a simple feat. Luckily, advances in technology have made this easier: you can actually take WiFi with you! Stealth WiFi is a portable device that offers its own private LTE networks, making connecting fast, reliable and secure. (Contact our Finance Department if you want details on getting Stealth WiFi.)

There are also a number of ways to securely log into a computer at work. For smaller companies, you can use Chrome’s Remote Desktop, which is a free and convenient service that allows you to log in to any other device or computer that is enabled with the service. If someone at the office is having trouble with payroll or an order, you can log in from wherever you are and take control of their screen!

  1. You need the right space. Ideally, you have a dedicated area for your RV office, so you can stay organized and focused. This is where toy haulers are a great feature in the larger RVs. Instead of toys, why not make that space into your mobile office?

There are many great ideas online for how to create a workable space in your RV for you to run your business (check out this blog: Some keys to remember are:

  • You want to take up as little space as possible, and you want it to be organized.
  • Everything has to remain secure when you are on the road (especially if you are travelling in the mountains!)
  • It has to be comfortable. You probably aren’t taking to the open road so you can bring your carpal tunnel with you.


  1. Go paperless. Doing so takes up much less space in your new road office. In order to do this, you’ll want to communicate with your team about current systems, and invest in software and training to computerize your current processes. It is also a great time to invest in a scanner that can travel easily – that way, any receipts or papers that are given to you are quickly made digital and organized on your computer.
  2. Get strict about boundaries. Bringing your business on the road does not mean your business has to go everywhere with you. Whether you are enjoying a warm fire and a glass of wine, or a hike in the mountains, the last thing you want to worry about is the emails that you have to send when you get back. Make sure you set hours for your business availability and stick to those hours. When it is time to work, work; when it is time to play, play. It is also helpful to make sure that your office area can become hidden from the living space – nothing takes you out of an enjoyable evening quicker than a stack of bank statements in your eyeline.

Living on the road should be about freedom, quiet and adventure. That doesn’t mean you can’t make your business fit into that life – it just means you have to be careful it doesn’t take over.


With the amazing advances in technology and changes in the way we communicate, it is easier than ever to work from wherever you happen to be. With a few considerations, you can take anything on the road, including your entrepreneurial spirit!


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